Goddess Yoga

Yoga teaches that the creative energy of the universe is a feminine power called Shakti.


Fueled by my own experiences as a woman, Goddess yoga is designed to help other women cultivate self-love, confidence, and compassion in a society that rejects feminine power and creates unrealistic expectations of what our bodies and roles should be through modern media.

Whether you are healing yourself physically, emotionally, or spiritually – I aim to provide a safe space for girls and women to practice yoga with a heart-strengthening flow, guided meditation, intention setting, and self-affirmations. Every woman is a beautiful force of nature with something to offer the world.


It’s amazing what can happen when like-minded women come together.

Stay tuned for Goddess Yoga classes and events including full moon gatherings, yoga+mala bead make-and-take workshops and guided spirit hikes.


On September 24th 2018, the first Goddess Yoga event, a full moon gathering was held. 25 beautiful souls joined me at the Glenerin Inn for 3 hours of yoga, intention setting, live music, and fireside sharing under the harvest moon. Stay tuned for the next event!

Harvest Moon Gathering - Final JPG Small